Workplace Giving for Employees

A workplace giving program makes it easy to set up regular, tax-deductible donations from your pre-tax income.

Donate the easy way – direct from your pay

When you donate to GIVIT through your workplace giving program, you are helping GIVIT support more than 4,700 charities and community groups across Australia. You become a vital part of our work to provide 10 million items and services to Australians in need by 2025.

You can do this by making a regular tax-deductible donation to GIVIT through your pay. Give as much or as little as you like! 

What are the benefits of workplace giving?

It’s all automated. Once you’ve set it up, you don’t need to do anything. Even the recordkeeping is taken care of – it’s recorded on your payslip and you receive a tax receipt at the end of the financial year.

Your donations are pre-tax, so your taxable income is reduced.

If your employer has a matched giving program, your donation might be doubled, or even tripled!

How to join a workplace giving program

Find out if your organisation has a workplace giving program.

If they do, nominate GIVIT as your charity of choice and select your donation amount.
Your employer will then make these donations to GIVIT on your behalf.

If your organisation doesn’t have a workplace giving program, click the button below to find out how to set one up.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can employees make a one off donation through workplace giving?

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Every workplace is different, but if your employer is happy to facilitate it, you can make occasional or one-off payroll deductions that are not part of a regular payroll donation.

Do employees need a receipt for payroll donations?

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When you donate directly through your salary, you receive the tax benefit immediately and the donation is recorded on your payslip, meaning there's no need to keep receipts for donations made through payroll giving.   
At the end of the financial year, employers will include the total amount donated in your payment summary, or provide a letter or email. Your income statement, payment summary, or other written statement from your employer showing the donated amount is sufficient evidence. You do not need to have a receipt.

How do employers process and administer workplace giving in our payroll system?

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There are many ways employers can process payroll giving, either through a direct bank transfer or through using a third party platform. In either case, employers will need to keep records of the amount donated on behalf of each employee and advise them in writing of the total amount donated at the end of the financial year.   

How much will I save?

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The workplace giving platform, Good2Give, has a handy donation tax calculator that estimates how much a donation from each pay (or a generous one-time donation) will save you in tax and actually cost.

Get In Touch

For more information about workplace giving, contact our Corporate team at